Extraction and Pre-processing of LiDAR sensor data from a large open-source Multi-modal sensor dataset- RACECAR dataset
Extraction and Pre-processing of LiDAR sensor data from a large open-source Multi-modal sensor dataset- RACECAR dataset
Sentimental Analysis from text: A text analysis algorithm based on ETL approach with multiprocessing for parallel processing of multiple text files
An IoT based Smart Parking System with Real-time slot allocation and slot availability prediction
A smart parking lot usage data collected on ThingSpeak IoT cloud platform
Published in 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Embedded Design, 2024
Autonomous Racing, Computer Vision, Image Segmentation, Deep Learning, LiDAR Perception, Accelerated Computing
Recommended citation: Suwesh Prasad Sah "Parallel Neural Computing for Scene Understanding from LiDAR Perception in Autonomous Racing." IEEE/ISED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Embedded Design, 2024
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Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014
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Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015
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